City Utility Services
City Utility Services
Citations & Municipal Court
Citations & Municipal Court
Ordinance FAQs & Neighborly Notes
Fire Pits
1. Burning shall only occur within an approved manufactured device or structure which ensures that the fire shall be contained and shall not escape from the device. Approved devices include manufactured fire rings, outdoor fireplaces, and outdoor burning stations. Burning barrels, old recycled wheels, or other iron or junk materials are NOT approved devices.
2. Bonfires are NOT permitted.
3. Only clean and dry wood shall be burned. It is strictly prohibited to burn rubbish, railroad ties, tires, plastic and/or other debris.
4. All fires must be maintained and supervised by an adult at all times. Any fire discovered not maintained and supervised by an adult shall be extinguished, and the property upon which the fire has been maintained shall be specially assessed the cost of such extinguishment.
5. A fire extinguisher shall be maintained a minimum of 15 feet from any fire.
6. Any fire shall be contained in an approved structure located not less than 15 feet from any and all structures including trees/brush.
7. All fires shall be maintained so as not to become a nuisance by producing excess smoke which injures or disturbs the use and enjoyment of neighboring properties.
1. Properties shall be maintained so that noxious weeds, unhealthful vegetation, and/or grass (over the height of 6 inches) are not allowed and shall be considered a nuisance.
2. Properties in violation of this policy may be given written notices.
3. If the violation is not remedied, the City may take action to remove the noxious weeds, unhealthful vegetation, or long grass. Any costs/expenses incurred toward the abatement shall be assessed against the property concerned by the City Auditor.
Snow Removal
1. Vehicles must be removed from streets after any snowfall event so snow removal activities are not hindered. Any vehicle found in violation can be towed and impounded at the owner's expense and, in addition, may be fined.
2. It is the responsibility of the owners/occupants of the property to remove snow and ice on public sidewalks as soon as possible after a snowfall to avoid incurring snow removal fees from the city.
3. Moving or blowing snow onto city streets, public property, or any public right of way is not allowed. If streets have already been cleared and the city has to return to clean up snow from your property, applicable fees could be assessed to your property.
4. Please do not use private/commercial snow removal equipment to clear city streets. As helpful as it may seem, you may be liable if something is damaged.
5. To ensure uninterrupted mail delivery, property owners/occupants must remove snow and ice around mailboxes. Contact the Kindred Post Office for their rules and regulations on winter mail delivery.
7. Talk to your children about snow pile safety. Safety is always on the minds of snow removal drivers, but when snow piles increase in size, the ability to see children playing on/in the snow piles can be difficult.