City Utility Services
City Utility Services
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Citations & Municipal Court
City Utility Services - Utility Billing
The City of Kindred provides water, sewer, and garbage services for residents. To register for City of Kindred Utility Billing Services, please read and complete the Utility Billing Policy Form and return it to City Hall.
Payment is due the 15th of each month. If the 15th falls on a weekend or holiday, late fees will be assessed the following business day. Water meter readings are processed around the 10th of each month with utility bills being mailed/emailed out around the 25th of each month.
To sign up for email billing for your monthly utility bill, click HERE!
Payment Options
1. Pay by Mail:
Mail a check or money order to: City of Kindred, PO Box 158, Kindred, ND 58051
2. Pay Online:
To make your payment online, visit to register for Bill Pay.
Create your account using Municipality Code: KindredND051. *Third party processing fees apply for debit/credit card transactions.
3. ACH:
You can register for ACH and have your monthly utility bills automatically deducted from your checking or savings account.
This FREE service automatically withdraws the amount due on your utility bill on the 15th of each month.
To enroll in ACH, please complete the ACH Registration Form and return it AND a voided check or deposit slip to Kindred City Hall.
4. Pay at City Hall:
Pay by cash, check, or debit/credit card during business hours at Kindred City Hall. (*Third party processing fees apply for debit/credit card transactions). We also have an after-hours drop box next to the front door.